
I love animals and am inspired to paint them to honour their uniqueness and provide lasting treasures for their human friends. I enjoy incorporating different aspects of these little critters lives. Many paintings have been compiled by using multiple photos of the pet to achieve the best poses and backgrounds for the painting.


This is beautiful, regal Tesse, short for Tesseract from a Wrinkle in Time. Dark & mysterious, Tesse was a wise feline with a commanding presence. She was a lifelong companion and spirit guide for a dear friend of mine. And I know that she is still keeping watch over her beloved humans.

Mr. Bubba

Bubba is pals with our wheaton cross Ms. Sophie. Mr. Bubbs is bull dog through and through. He is a tough, gentle boy and accompanies Sophie on her daily forest walks.

Private Collection

Shelby and Chip

These two lucky dogs shared a life with four beautiful people, each in different places and times. I painted them here together on earth, as they are now both together in doggie heaven.

Private Collection


Riley was a gentle, sweet, Jack Russell that lived to the wonderful old age of 19. Here he is on one of his many camping trips by the ocean.

Click here: Why Dogs Never Die, Poem by Ernest

Private Collection


Mr. Augs, Augie McDoggie, Augamuss Doggamus. Augie was our sweet boy. I painted this after he passed away and had a difficult time keeping the paint dry as often a tear would drop on the painting.

Click here to read The Power of The Dog Poem by Rudyard Kipling


This sweet little Snauzy girl was the long time companion, confident and love light of our nephews wife Michelle. She was also a bridesmaid at their wedding. I painted her in this heavenly field of flowers.